Motor Vehicle Accidents – Legal Representation

We’ll help you get on the road to recovery.

Motor vehicle accidents are often a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. However, many people make the mistake, particularly if there has been an injury, of trying to handle the aftermath of the accident by themselves. There are so many steps that need to be taken right away – contacting the insurers, obtaining medical assistance, attending therapy, arranging for your vehicle to be repaired, providing a police report, etc. Experience has taught us that people who are unfamiliar with the process often say or do things, quite innocently, which have a negative impact on claiming and receiving proper compensation for their losses.
When you engage us, we prefer to get involved early. We collect evidence about the accident, and, more importantly, evidence about your injuries, that will be vital to proving your losses.  We advise about claims against the other driver as well as your own insurance.  We present your case to the insurer for you to make sure you receive appropriate compensation.
We do all this on a contingency fee – we don’t get paid for the work we do until we resolve the claim, so you can focus on recovering from your injuries.
Remember, insurance coverage is there to protect you. You may have claims for pain and suffering, expenses, loss of income, as well as present and future costs of care.  We present these claims on your behalf so you receive appropriate compensation.

Our firm has been at the forefront of the fight with the insurance industry over victims’ rights for decades.  We led the constitutional challenge of the “cap” law when it was introduced, and continue to fight for limitation on laws that curtail the rights of accident victims to claim fair and appropriate compensation for their losses.

We don’t get paid for the work we do until we resolve the claim, so you can focus on recovering from your injuries.

Injured in a motor vehicle accident?